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Divisions & Programs

Learn more about who we are and what we do.

Meet Our Teams

The Office of Financial Management provides vital information, fiscal services, and policy support that the Governor, Legislature, and state agencies need to serve the people of Washington.


The OFM internal agency support divisions provides the overall direction and day-to-day management of OFM. We support OFM staff in achieving our agency's mission of supporting and improving state government on behalf of all Washingtonians. Our goal is to create an environment that is supportive, constructive, equitable, and healthy for our employees. Our teams are:

  • Executive Management
  • Fiscal & Operations
  • OFM Human Resources
  • Legal & Contacts Services
  • Communications
  • Organization Strategy and Performance


The Accounting Division (Statewide Accounting) maintains the state government's central books of accounts, provides financial direction through state accounting policies, and supports state agencies with administering those policies through training and consulting services. Our services include:

  • Consulting and assisting state agencies by providing training on administrative, accounting, and reporting policies.
  • Supporting agencies with statewide financial and federal requirements.
  • Developing and maintaining the State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM). Policies in SAAM cover financial, accounting and reporting policies, as well as travel and other administrative topics. We also provide Administrative & Accounting Resources to help state agencies fulfill policy requirements in SAAM.
  • Preparing and publishing the state's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, a thorough and detailed presentation of the state's financial condition, and reports on the state's activities and balances for each fiscal year. This involves a yearlong production effort from the entire Accounting Division.
  • Preparing and publishing the state's Single Audit Report and the Audit Resolution Report.


The Budget Division has the primary responsibility of making budget recommendations to the Governor and presenting the Governor's budget proposal to the Legislature and the public. After budgets are approved by the Legislature, we monitor state agency activities for conformance with executive and legislative intent.

The work of the Budget Division is naturally cyclical. Here are some of our key functions, organized by time of year:


  • Fiscal notes and I-960 ten-year analyses. Review/approve estimates from agencies of the fiscal impact of legislation and I-960 ten-year analyses (odd year: Dec-May; even year: Dec-March)
  • Legislative session (odd year: Jan-April; even year: Jan-March); Enrolled bills. Review bills passed by the Legislature (odd year: March-June; even year: Feb-April)
  • Appropriations. Assure compliance with legislative intent (begins May/June each odd year; ongoing)
  • Carry-forward level (April-June each even year.


  • Allotments. Review/approve agency spending plans (begins May each odd year; ongoing.


  • Develop the Governor's biennial budget proposal (August-Dec each even year)
  • Agency request legislation. Review legislation proposed by agencies for introduction in the next legislative session (odd year: Sept-Jan; even year: Aug-Jan)


  • Gated Funding IT Projects
  • Monitoring budget
  • Performance measures
  • Other processes


The Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) supports OFM’s enterprise applications used by agencies to manage their budget, accounting and human resource systems. We also support the IT needs of OFM and the Governor’s Office.


One Washington is responsible for enhancing the state financial systems which is more than 30 years old and long due for an overhaul. Expectations were different three decades ago, not to mention that technology was, too. Our goal is to modernize the state’s core administrative functions through both innovation and improvements supported by technology.

Visit one.wa.gov for more information!


OFM provides the executive branch, the Legislature, and the public with estimates, forecasts, and reports on the state's population, demographic characteristics, economy, and state revenues.

The data and analyses are used by the executive branch and the Legislature in the development of the state budget and other planning functions. Various public and private organizations rely on data developed and maintained by OFM for planning and assessment purposes. We also serves as a liaison with the federal Census Bureau and with the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Visit our Research & Data and Population websites for more information on what we provide or subscribe to receive e-mail notification of new Forecasting and Research Division publications and data resources.


State Human Resources serves as the state’s central HR policy making body and provides leadership and support on enterprise HR strategic planning, collective bargaining and oversight of HR systems and structure, rules and policy.

Our work provides the state with a governance model and infrastructure necessary to support effective, successful agency operations and service delivery, and promotes the competencies to make the state an Employer of Choice. Our services include:

  • Enterprise Classification, Compensation & HR Analytics. We maintain the statewide HR foundation which includes the classification and compensation structures for the state's workforce. This oversight provides sound, consistent standards within which state government agencies may make personnel decisions to resource the delivery of services and minimize risk and liability. In addition, we provide data, metrics, analysis, and monitoring on the state workforce and strategic leadership on enterprise HR systems.
  • Workforce Strategies. We provide leadership, expertise, tools, standards, and strategies to help state agencies plan, attract, recruit, and retain a diverse, qualified workforce. The office convenes enterprise stakeholder workgroups and communities of practice to collaborate on enterprise HR issues and works closely with other central service entities. We also administer the state employee survey, Choice Performance Confirmation program, supports employee resource groups and ensures enterprise activities are aligned with DEI principles and strengthen Washington as an Employer of Choice.
  • Rules & Appeals. We maintain the personnel rules that govern civil service and oversees the appeal process which allows state employees to request independent review and ruling on personnel actions taken by their agency.
  • Labor Relations. We represents the Governor in collective bargaining negotiations for wages, hours, health care, and working conditions for represented classified employees, including some employees in higher education. We also oversee contract administration, consulting, training, and negotiations on mandatory subjects during the term of the contracts as well as conduct all compensation modeling for bargaining.


In February 1994, Governor Mike Lowry established the independent, bipartisan Washington Commission for National and Community Service (WCNCS) by Executive Order 94-03. On July 1, 2014, Governor Jay Inslee signed Executive Order #14-06 changing the name of WCNCS to Serve Washington.

Serve Washington is made up of Commissioners appointed by the Governor who serve for 3-year terms. The Commission implements AmeriCorps programs in Washington; sets priorities for results-oriented community service programs; provides training and technical assistance; evaluates programs; and leverages federal program dollars with additional local, state and private sector resources.